![]() Note how this picture is wide. 288 pixels wide. You are impressed by this, because wide=cool. From now on, all my pictures are going to be 288 pixels wide, even if 200 of those pixels columns are blank. Heck, I don't even need to draw pictures any more; I can just go <TABLE WIDTH=288> and you'll be writing me more fanmail than I've ever received in my life! (Note: 'more', given current exchange rates, is roughly equal to '1 email'.) They said it would never happen, but Rich won Survivor anyway. I'm actually writing this some six months after the event, but by making a topical comment like that I give the impression that I really got around to creating this page in late August. Anyway, Rich. I was going for Rich because everyone else hated him and wanted him to lose. It should be noted that that didn't make him the underdog; the underdog actually has to be playing from a disadvantage. No, it just made him the guy everyone wanted to lose. Which is much cooler. So, how does this relate to that picture over to the left (to the right if you're reading a Japanese book)? Basically, it's all to do with popularity. Survivor was popular because it had Rich on it, and my site isn't popular because it doesn't have Rich on it. See? Anyway, I attempted to address this problem by drawing Rich. Unfortunately, what I produced looked more like a Jehova's Witness (or a demented IRS agent, as Hidoshi put it), so I compensated by sticking a heap of text in the background. Rich was infamous for the flashing neon signs that he was always standing in front of, so I'm hoping this makes the picture recognisably 'Richy'. |
Rich wishes his email was [email protected]. |