To think that I laughed at my Magic Eight-Ball when it said that I'd never get a site done. Oh, how I laughed, scorning the It Is Certain with which it greeted my asking if the Geocities Yoshitonomicon would one day reach completion. Now it sits in the corner, grinning at me.
That was a paragraph break. Now, I'll show you another one.
Amazing stuff. At present, this site doesn't have very much content. Oh no! But fear not! It probably won't ever have much content. Hmmm... Actually, I guess that is cause for widespread panic and looting. My economic use of the 100MB my Fortune City account gives me can be seen below:
Johnny. Whee!
Everyone likes Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. Few like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. In those sentences, the distinction between title and character can be seen. It annoys me when people screw that sort of thing up.
Jankenpon Game. Whey-hey!
This creatively-titled Java programme was something I had to write for Computer Science. Actually, that's not entirely true; all I really had to write was a simple scissors-paper-rock game. But did I? Noooooooooooooooo! I hate things that are entirely luck dependant. So I made this. I hate you, so you're not getting instructions.
Remember, the best games are the ones that've been made much better by professionals.
Cucumber of the Beast
Title suggested by a divinely-inspired friend. This' supposed to be a picture of the Satanic equivalent of a Jehova's Witness (a Lucifer's Witness, I guess, only you have to pronounce Lucifer really weirdly), but I devote all the text on the page to talking about Survivor.
An anime drawing! Which sucks!
This' probably the most recent anime drawing I've done, which doesn't really explain why it's so bad. Enjoy its five fruit flavours as best you can.
Probably the best drawing I've ever done. Many livers went into its production.
Something almost neo-cubist.
Watch out; those neo-cubists can be damn nasty.
The religionfest continues.
The only thing cooler than a voodoo doctor is a patchwork voodoo doctor. Remember that.
The GMCA's most famous guy called NeoVid demonstrates his l33t DragonBall skeelz by undergoing fusion with Johnny the Homicidal Maniac! This is the first picture I've drawn entirely on the computer in a very long time. Took an even longer time to get all the ink off the screen.
But is it the real one, or am I pulling a Silent Yoshi/Quiet Yoshi/Yoshi Aomori/Yoshi Misfire?